Tuesday, September 25, 2012

hip hip huraaay

Hi Tuesday, How are you ??
udah 1minggu ngejalanin posisi aku yang baru, huuummm for the first time yaaaa SO NERVOUS and afraid of new job. tapi lama-lama I enjoying it, huuumm agak bete juga siih, soalnya lebih ke duduk, dan jarang banget jalan-jalan keluar ruangan :D yaaa mau gimana, soalnya kerjaan tiap hari dateng dan banyak boooo x____x. kadang-kadang keluar yaaa kalo client mau ketemu atau ada inquiry baru ( beuuuhhhh ).

kangen juga sama suasana kantorku yang di summitmas 2, dengan para banci yang super heboh dan troublemaker juga mereka itu hahahha tapi seneng lhaaaa, itu yang buat aku  kangen. 

Dan perkenalkan aku dapat panda baruuuuuuu :* *smooch 

hhihihih thanks papa panda :p 

hahaha enjoy your day guys and HAPPY TUESDAY :)

Monday, September 10, 2012


Good morning all :) hope you are fine.
Starting from a sleepy morning, annoying morning ( because starting from a weird Monday huuaaaa :o )

I would like to share about the boots that i like. there are some that I already have and have not got (because the price is very expensive whahahaha ). I can got boots, when I visit a mall or shopping online. I mentioned it Bandung, Ciampelas mall walk there are many shops that sell shoes for example boots, wedges, or high heels. You can go to the mall if you could. and I have a website that sells a variety of shoes, but it's the overseas and the price is very interesting x_x. happy shopping :)

Cathi 2
Named Cathi 2, this is the colder, yet equally sexy cousin to the platforms above. Perfect for a night out with the girls.

 Cut Out

Laleh by BCBGMaxAzaria

When I first laid my eyes on footwear by FINSK, I couldn’t imagine how an ordinary person could wear them for everyday life. In fact, the only person I can think of that can pull off these kinds of shoes is Lady Gaga! FINSK shoes are known for their modern, fashion forward styles.

Edorn by Vince Camuto

One of the reasons why I love wearing strappy shoes is that the straps give better balance because they help keep my feet glued to the shoe!
Happy Monday all :)


Thursday, September 6, 2012

06th, September 2012

Let's start from the tedious boredom and sleepiness (zzzzzzzzzzzzz) .
Almost 1 month, gw dikantor baru tapi dengan perusahaan yang sama cuma beda branch aja si hohoho. gw uda 1tahun kerja, dan kerjaan yang gw alami ya hectic sekaligus merangkap 4jabatan kali ya bisa dibilang ( mau banget kalo bisa beneran :D ) ya jadi jun. secretary, Reception, Security dan Marketing juga.  Asik sih kerjanya, dan orang disekeliling gw juga sangat gladden. Kenapa bisa jadi security juga :o soalnya dikantor gw ga ada security dan cuma orang reception aja yang jaga hahahha kebayang, kantor gw yang rame banyak client terus tiba-tiba dateng orang aneh itu sering banget terjadi . hahhahaha sampe dimaki-maki sama client I also had x_x (serem banget).

1bulan dikantor baru, kerjaan jarang banget. mungkin bisa dibilang magabut ( makan gaji buta x_x ) hahahha. kalo ada kerjaan ya kalo ada yang request atau kalo boss gw yang nyuruh. hahahhaha
jadi gw ngabisin waktu gw dikantor kalo ga ada kerjaan dengan nonton film-film horor, browsing2 ga jelas, cari bahasa2 aneh, belajar apake yang penting escape from the boredo, ga cuma gw doang kok, temen2 gw yang lain pun sama lhaa kelakuannya kaya begitu :d hahaha.

Tiap hari harus ngantuk and get a cup of coffee, itu tiap hari gw lakuin. biar gw ga ngantuk. atau gw panggil OB2 gw buat nemenin gw dimeja dan nemenin nonton sambil curcol hahahaha. ga jelas bawaanya dikantor dan pengen cepet balik,  habis wasting time banget kayanya :d hahahahha. cuma bisa BBMan, twitteran, ga bisa facebookan ( ga masalah soalnya bosen  ), youtube, update blogger. ya beginilah selam 1bulan ini gw disini.

Hope you can get a better day, deprived of feeling bored, tired and sleepy.

This my a cup of coffee always be with me every single fucking day
Happy Thursday all :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Welcome To da World

I would like to share our happiness, when our family had guests were very pretty. This might be late, I know. because it has been 3 months baby is growing, but not too late to share a happiness. Oke now, let me to tell who is she :)

Welcome to the world our little angel Zahwa Annisa Noor Faradhisa Muzaeni, she is a daughter from a couple of Ervina Noor Efendy and Denny Muzaeni. She was born on May, 13th 2012, she is beautiful and interesting. she was born with a normal, we were all happy and said thanks to god.

Now, she is grew up and her old is 3months. She has a chubby cheeks like her mother as a child :p hahahha. may god always bless you and keep you until you grow up to be a perfect woman. We Love you zahwa / Dede awa :*
Zahwa 3 months 

Zahwa pakai alis shincan by auntie :p 1month 

Happy Wednesday all :)